Breed Guide
A generous redundancy
package and a new life working from home gave me the opportunity
to acquire a modestly priced track greyhound with
view to becoming a
coursing owner/trainer.
Being a complete novice, I made the
mistake of treating Irish like a big whippet and thrilled that his time over 480
yards had improved dramatically in my care, took him for a private trial
at the beginning of the coursing season. Alas, on his way back to me, he found
another hare and then a third. This is not unusual in whippets and
by the time I realized that he needed not more electrolyte but expert
veterinary attention, I was lucky not to lose him.
Irish did run at the end
of the season but after "losing his back", he never recovered his speed.
learned my lesson and all subsequent greyhounds were trained
professionally. |
By Roan Hurrican ex Kit Kat Darkie
photo David Paton |

photo David Paton
By Dashing Oak
ex Solway Silk
Trained by Kim
Gooding, Creamy had an exciting puppy career, culminating in a
nomination to run in the Waterloo Cup. Sadly, it was cancelled
that year, due to the foot-and-mouth. When coursing resumed,
Creamy found her form again until a serious foot injury and
the loss of a toe took her off the field. Undaunted, she returned
to win the coveted Barbican Cup. |
Determined to have a runner in the 128 dog Millennium Cup but not wanting to run a puppy,
I took a gamble and bought a huge fawn dog who was carrying an injury. Called Fawny, he
seemed destined for my ownership as I already had a Creamy and a Sandy (who, being Irish, was black). Luck was with me - he not only came sound but won a nomination "out of the hat" when
Swaffham's qualifying stake was cancelled. Like many on the first day, he had to be withdrawn after the flints had removed his pads which only just healed in time for Swaffham's major event, the 64 dog Anglia Cup.
Fawny exceeded all possible expectations and reached the final, in spite of having run extra courses on both the first and second days. Even then, he gallantly led from slips on his eighth run and was only narrowly beaten. |

photo David Paton
By Faithful Hunter ex Boston Oak

photo Tim Scrivener |
Although disappointing when they reached the coursing field, Creamy's puppies were a joy to rear. They had so much fun. Regardless of driving rain, snow, gales, they would be out in the paddock, playing. They were always thrilled to see visitors, they ate everything they were given and if cutting toe nails was a bit of a challenge, it was also a big game. They never quite saw the point of walking on a lead but they came when they were called and except for firework night when Maisie (right) leaped a 2 metre fence and disappeared during the night, they were no trouble at all; I was sad to see them go and even sadder to think there will never be any more. When they came to retire, the whippets made it abundantly clear that it was a case of "them or us" so I am extremely grateful to the people who have given them happy and loving homes.

